Annabelle Mai aka Papier Dilu, is production manager and producer in a creative company specializing in short and digital films. In parallel, she paints watercolors, sitting comfortably on the sofa in her apartment of Parisian suburbs.

She draws her inspiration from everyday scenes and places to create rather realistic reproductions of the things and beings of life: electric cables in the sky, urban vegetation or animals, with a particular taste for fish, whether flying or in the sea.

Fruit of an encounter between the past and the present, her watercolors work on déjà vu, and seek to revive memories by reinterpreting them, to reconstruct memory and to evoke the past, its small as well as its great moments.No training in graphic design or applied arts, no mastery of perspectives and proportions… this cocktail of clumsiness allowed her to develop her watercolor in her own way: little diluted, little washed out, very contrasted with a strong brush. on the white surface.

No drying time from one layer to another, since no patience. In addition to watercolor brushes and pots, she explores the watercolor colored pencil to learn how to draw, play with contrasts, supports and quantities of water. She likes to superimpose pencils, water and paint, then return to pencil to give a bold pastel effect on the water deposited on her sheet.Small format on the scale of her small business, the watercolors are made on A5 paper: an ideal size to be displayed between a green plant and a bookend on a shelf, or several side by side for a more series effect.