Watercolor – Yellow Sky

Original watercolor by Annabelle Mai, signed. Paint and felt pen, size A5 (21×14,8 cm)

This watercolor is from a serie of monochromatic black skies titled “There’s Electricity in the Air”. In this serie, electric poles sit enthroned under a threatening sky. Wires, ropes, and conductors span the width of the artwork. Electrical installations make up our landscape, whether rural or urban, and Annabelle finds aesthetics in them.


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Annabelle Mai

Annabelle Mai aka Papier Dilu, is production manager and producer in a creative company specializing in short and digital films. In parallel, she paints watercolors, sitting comfortably on the sofa in her apartment of Parisian suburbs.

L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est PHOTO_PAPIER__DILU_ANNABELLE_MAI.jpg.
Weight 300 g
Dimensions 14,8 × 21 cm